
Monday, February 22, 2010

Beef Stew...yum

So here is my version of beef stew. I have some super tasters in my family, so after many tries I found that this one satisfies everyone in my family and is very easy to make. I usually do this on a weekend and prefer the taste of it cooked in the oven, but I included directions for crock pot cooking in case anyone would like to make it during the week. It is a basic recipe, so feel free to add any veggies that your family may like. My family like to add shredded Tillamook Chedder to the top before eating. Yum! Make it your own by adjusting vegetables and spices to your taste buds. Enjoy!
Beef Stew
1 lb. stew meat or 1 lb cut up roast meat
2 TBLS canola oil
16 oz. tomato puree
2-4 TBLS Better Than Bouillon Beef
1 TBLS garlic powder
1 TBLS dried basil
Salt & pepper, to taste
8 medium size carrots, sliced into rounds
2 large potatoes (baker), chopped in to chunks
1 medium onion, chopped

Take the Demarle large or small stock pot, depending on amount you want to make. I use the small stockpot for my family of four and we have leftovers for lunch the next day. Heat the oil over medium-high heat. Add the meat and quickly brown all sides. The point of this is to NOT cook the meat but to sear all sides of the meat. This should only take 1-2 minutes. Once this is done, add the tomato, you can use juice, original spaghetti sauce or, stewed tomatoes. I happened to have canned tomatoes that I pureed in the blender because my family doesn’t like “chunks” of tomato. Then add 4 cans of water (use a 1 to 4 ratio of tomato to water). I dissolve the Better Than Bouillon (BTB) in a ¼ cup hot water, using a fork or spoon to mass it up (I buy my BTB at Costco), add to stockpot.
Then add the garlic powder, basil, salt and pepper. Put a lid on the pot or cover with tin foil. Now you can either cook it in the oven or on the stove top. Cooking it without the vegetables creates a rich, thick broth but it tastes good all cooked at the same time as well. It just depends on the time frame that I am working with.
Oven Version: In the oven cook at 200 degrees for 4-6 hours, add the vegetables, and increase the heat to 350 degrees and cook for 2-3 more hours.
Stove top: You can cook on the stove top on low for 6 hours, add the vegetables, increase heat but do not let the stew boil. In the last two hours add the vegetables.
Crock pot: If this is something you want to make while you are working, or away from home, you can cook it in the crock pot. Put all the ingredients in, stir, and put on low for 6-9 hours.
Times are approximate. When in doubt, cook longer. This is a recipe that can’t really be over-cooked!

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