You are invited to my Monthly Cooking 2gether cooking Class! It is an interactive cooking class that highlights Demarle products. There is no obligation to buy anything, just come and see how you can make cooking and baking easier, healthier, and more fun!
The class is on Sunday, March 7, at 1:30pm. Bring a friend and you will get free shipping on whatever you order that day OR book a party and receive a special gift!
Please RSVP by Friday, March 5 to 503-874-6169. SEE YOU HERE!!!!
If you have questions or would like more info please give me a call! Also please be sure to visit my blog at www.cooking2gether.blogspot.com. Happy Cooking!
The party will be held at my house:
Kelly Grassman
310 Palmer St.
Mt. Angel, OR 97362
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